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Wednesday 3 July 2013

tea time cookies

Guys I wonder how this rainy season evenings be spent! What? Yes, you are right, a cup of tea or coffee. What if it is also accompanied with some home made cookies! You heard me, home made and that too purely veg, well its up to you how you choose to make it.

It was a dream for me to even think about making cookies indoors, I used to think its a lot more tough work to make it than gobbling it down the throat, but I always had it in me to somehow give it a try no matter what the outcome is, its worth taking a bit of risk. Rest to know the ingredients I spent one whole night surfing the net and watching videos as to how the cookies can me made at home. Got many such videos but was really afraid seeing the equipment used by the host, there were mixers, blenders which I think every one of my friends which also includes me, might not be having.

I believe man made machines, machines did not make man so I'd rather use my brains as well as my hands to do what the machines did. The perfect cookie which I did not make the first time I ever made them but it took me a while to perfect them, so it was the 4th time that I made some real good cookies and they are not good if they are not chocolate cookies. The very first few time that I made them, the cookies were quite moist and were never crispy. Every time is a learning time for beginners like me so each time I sat down to make them I became more cautious step by step and finally found my mistake of not baking them for enough time which led to soft cookies. If you are also a learner please do not be disheartened if you make them soft of burn them, it all right to fall down when learning how to climb.
Cookies always is a mouth watering snack for kids too so my friends, those of you who are going to be future moms start learning from now or your fund will fall short when your kids will start demanding cookies every time they see a bakery shop. Oops!!! I forgot to tell you, making cookies at home is cleaner, healthier and cheaper than those from the bakery or from the company packed ones. Lets start out journey...

1 cup of wheat flour
1 cup of plain flour
150 gms of sugar
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4th teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
5 tablespoon of chocolate powder
1/2 cup of butter
2-4 teaspoon of luke warm milk

Pre heat oven to 200*cIn a clean dry bowl take all the dry ingredients, that is, the wheat flour, the plain flour, sugar(power the sugar so that it will mix easily), the chocolate powder, the baking powder and thoroughly mix them. Add the vanilla extract and the butter and knead the mixture until the butter is evenly mixed in the flour, here you need to use your hands extensively and generously.
When the kneading is done add 1 teaspoon of warm milk and knead to get the correct softness in the dough. If not satisfied again add another teaspoon of milk until a soft dough is formed.
Form the dough into desired shapes using cookie cutter, or any shape if your choice. Place the cookies on the baking try and place almonds and nuts on the cookies.

Bake for 8 minutes in the oven at 200*c and then turn down the cookies to bake further at 180*c for another 8-10 minutes, when you will get the perfect cookie for your snack.
Delicious chocolate cookie will be ready.

*You can use eggs if you want instead of milk and thus the amount of flour used will be a bit more.

*Cooking time may vary from oven to oven so be very careful while baking, please try not to burn them.
*You can make just butter cookies in the same way just do not add the chocolate powder.
*Turning the cookies and baking it at a lower temperature will allow the cookie to be crisp the trick which I missed for the first few takes.

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